My Antennas

This is an 8-element yagi which tunes on 20M, 17M, 15M, 12M & 10M. It’s atop a three-section crank-up tower mounted on the terrace. The CD-830V-1 WARC dipole and the MA-3000 VHF/UHF colinear are also seen.

The Diamond CP-6A, 6 Band vertical. This antenna is mounted on the railing of the terrace. Birds find the capacitance hat a great place to stop by in the morning.

The homebrewed N6RK 80M RX Loop has proved invaluable to reduce the high RX noise I experience on 80M from this dense urban location.

The VHF/UHF crossed yagis setup for satellite tracking.

QO-100 Setup:

150cm prime-focus dish with a homebrew helical feed for TX, 60cm offset dish with an unmodified PLL LNB for RX


  • HF
    • 8-element yagi on an 18-foot boom (fabricated by Poru/VU2GGM) which tunes on 20/17/15/12/10M
    • Create CD-830V-1 V Dipole for WARC bands 
    • Diamond CP-6A multi-band trapped vertical
    • 40M dipole
    • 80M loaded dipole
    • N6RK 80M RX Loop
    • MA-3000, dual band omni
    • Homebrew TPM2’s for VHF & UHF
    • Homebrew MOXON for VHF
    • VU3GNL Arrow
    • Maspro VHF/UHF Satellite Antennas
    • 60cm offset fed dish with a PLL LNB for RX of QO-100
    • 150cm prime-focus dish with a helical feed for QO-100 TX
    • 120cm offset dish with a 4-turn helical feed for QO-100 TX

Antenna Switch: KK1L 2 x 6 Antenna Switch

AntSwitch-1 AntSwitch-2



Updated: 22-NOV-2019

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